Hidden Sugar!

The American Heart association recommend no more than 6 teaspoons (24 grams) of sugar per day or less! That’s everything that you and your children consume in one day should have less than 24 grams of sugar. It includes any drinks, sauces, ketchup, salad dressing, snacks and meals. Especially with our hectic schedules and grab-N-go lifestyle the sugar can add up fast.  
Starting in 1990 Congress mandated nutrition labels to be printed on packaged foods. Included in this label is the amount of sugar as well as “added sugar”. Some sugars are naturally occurring while others are added during the manufacturing process. Any foods that come in a package have the amount of sugar printed right on back for you to se. You might be surprised especially with some of the advertised “healthy foods”.
When the body gets overloaded with sugar it causes inflammation in the body, excessive weight gain and in some cases diabetes. This inflammation over time can cause micro-cuts in your blood vessels which can lead to plaque buildup, and down the road possibly a heart attack or stroke. Added sugar is not necessary for your body to function and it offers zero nutritional benefit. 
Drinks, especially soda and juice, are loaded with sugar that is not necessary for your daily diet. One 12 oz can of Coke contains 39 grams of sugar alone! That’s more than the recommended sugar intake for the entire day. 
We often use sweet treats as a reward for kids and while the occasional treat is definitely welcomed, it is important to have other ways of recognizing our children’s achievements. Some ideas include allowing them to pick a book to read, game to play or movie to watch – “Kids choice”.
Start by taking a look at your child’s daily sugar intake. See if there are a few minor changes that you can make to have a big impact on their health! 

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