You have the right to be treated with respect regardless of race, skin color, place where you were born, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ability, immigration status, financial status, health status or parental status.

  1. At Town Pediatrics, you have the right to talk to your provider alone, without your parent or guardian in the room. However, we may encourage you to share what we talk about with a parent/legal guardian or a trusted adult.
  2. You have the right for private information that you share with our practice staff to remain confidential and not be shared without your permission (giving consent) except for in the cases listed below:
    • You tell us or we suspect that an adult/or another adolescent is hurting you.
    • You tell us that you want to hurt yourself.
    • You tell us you want to hurt someone else.
    • You are under 13 years old and having sex.
  1. According to Virginia State law, you have the right to the following services without the permission of a parent or legal guardian:
    • Birth control information and contraceptives, family planning, pregnancy testing, prenatal care, and pregnancy services.
    • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections or any infectious or contagious disease that the State Board of Health requires to be reported.
    • Medical or health services needed in the case of outpatient care, treatment, or rehabilitation for substance abuse.
    • Medical or health services needed in the case of outpatient care, treatment or rehabilitation for mental illness or emotional disturbance.
  1. You have the right to review and access your health records as it relates to the above 4 rights.
  2. You have the right to have your options for care explained to you.
  3. You have a right to know that some insurance plans may mail information about your visit to your parent/guardian which may compromise your confidentiality.
  4. If you have questions about your rights or feel you have been mistreated, please inform the staff at Town Pediatrics.

Based on Virginia State Law and Guidelines and University of Michigan Adolescent Health Initiative

823 South King Suite F, Leesburg, VA 20175

46165 Westlake Drive Suite 210, Sterling, VA 20165

Located in Leesburg and Sterling, VA & proudly serving Loudoun County and surrounding areas

Phone: 703.777.5222

17 Sylvia Lane New Hyde Park,
New York 11040
Phone: 1.800.123.4567

Fax: 1.800.123.4566